Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

#UPERP8UAS05 (Mengisi Google Form)

Tugas UAS No. 5 adalah mengisi google form.
Langsung aja yak...

1. Cek e-mail masuk dari pak dosen di milis dan klik link yang diberikan pak dosen untuk mulai mengisi form nya yang harus di isi.

2. Setelah klik link yang diberikan, mulailah untuk mengisi.

Kelaarrr sudah...

Salam dan #tetaptersenyum

2 komentar:

  1. It's very helpful post. Except software you mentioned here, there are many other ERP software available in the market. But choosing right one for your business is very difficult. For that there are many marketplaces like bdtask best erp software, SoftwareSuggest, SoftwareAdvice, Capterra, G2Croud, etc,. available in the market which help you to find right software for your business. One of my favorite is bdtask erp software. They provide list of top ERP software for business with software reviews, demos, price quotes and much more.
